ACE Contract Services

ACE’s sanitation services have expanded from their humble origins in lower Manhattan to neighborhoods throughout all of New York City.  Today, ACE Contract Services provides daily supplemental sanitation in partnership with the Meatpacking  Business Improvement District, 41 New York City

Adult Education Program

osha training

“I was so much help, I was elevated to a skill level that I never thought I would reach. I was shown that with time and hard work there’s nothing I can’t do.” – Edwin, 2012 graduate

ACE’s Adult Education …

Project Comeback

Project Comeback is ACE’s workforce development and vocational rehabilitation program. In Project Comeback, men and women who are experiencing homelessness obtain the educational, interpersonal and technical skills they need to secure and retain full-time, permanent employment. Participants are welcomed into …

Project Stay

women in the workforce

“I came to ACE with absolutely no experience. I was tired of self-abusing and made the effort to stay clean. ACE worked with and they found me a job. They held my hand through everything. From 1999 to the present