“I was so much help, I was elevated to a skill level that I never thought I would reach. I was shown that with time and hard work there’s nothing I can’t do.” – Edwin, 2012 graduate

ACE’s Adult Education program is the centerpiece of our vocational rehabilitation initiative, Project Comeback. The program offers daily classes and workshops in literacy (basic reading and writing skills; résumés and cover letters; filling out job applications; crafting thank you notes), numeracy (”life skills math;” household budgeting; balancing a checkbook; understanding a paystub), computer proficiency (email use; online job search), and job readiness/life skills development (interview etiquette; workplace ethics; time management; conflict resolution).

Without your generous support, none of our work would be possible. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to help the committed New Yorkers we serve rebuild their lives, become self-sufficient and reunite with their families! Below are some examples of how your gift could help the students in our Adult Education program:

• $1,500 helps our students build their literacy, math and computer skills by providing workbooks for a whole year.

• $1,000 pays for a complete Microsoft Office training module for four computers in our lab, where students take classes, work on assignments and search for jobs online.

$500 funds supplemental classroom tools for one year, including News For You subscription, math blocks and online addition worksheets for math students, and magazine subscriptions for literacy classes.

$100 provides 5 students with classroom supplies for a whole year.

$50 sponsors books and other reading materials for our popular participant library, where students can borrow novels, poetry collections and magazines to practice their reading and writing skills in their spare time.

Every gift makes a remarkable difference – thank you so much for your support!

To donate by mail, please send a check made payable to ACE Programs for the Homeless, 30-30 Northern Blvd., Ste. B100, Long Island City, NY 11101. To make a transfer of securities or appreciated stock, please contact Greta, at (212) 275-0550 x 24 or glin@acenewyork.org.

BBB Seal SmallACE is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and all contributions to our programs and operations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by the law.  We are an Accredited Charity of the New York Better Business Bureau, and we meet the 20 Standards of Charity Accountability.